How to Feel Confident In Your Clothes
How to Feel Confident In Your Clothes
Feeling confident in your clothes is a lot easier than you might think. You don't have to spend thousands on high-end items or fly around the world to find an original look. All you need is the right wardrobe and a little bit of organization!
Get rid of all the clothes that do not fit.
Get rid of all the clothes that do not fit.
I know this is hard, especially if you're like me and have been holding onto a pair of jeans that were too small for years because they were "so cute." But honestly, if they aren't fitting well now, chances are they won't in the future either. And if they don't fit your style anymore (or never did), then it's time to let them go! You can always find another pair of vintage Levi's at Goodwill or thrift store if you really need them back in rotation again one day.
Your closet should be impeccably organized.
Clothes that don't fit, or are no longer in style, should be donated to charity.
If you haven't worn an item in over a year, get rid of it!
Clean out your closet every few months so that there's room for new things and it doesn't get messy.
Use an organizer like this one from Amazon to keep everything neat and tidy: https://amzn.to/2Ui7LJz
Make sure your clothes are clean.
You can't feel confident in your clothes if they are dirty. If you're going to be wearing something, make sure it's clean and ready-to-wear.
If you have a lot of clothes that need washing, do at least one load per week so that there isn't an accumulation of laundry in your house for too long. Wash often so that all of your clothes are fresh!
Have a plan for what to wear when you are in a rush.
Have a plan for what to wear when you are in a rush.
Know what items you can mix and match.
Be prepared for the weather.
Be prepared for different occasions, like work and play or events that require formal attire versus casual clothing. Have at least three outfits in your closet that can be worn interchangeably with each other so that one outfit becomes two or three different looks depending on how you accessorize it!
Have a plan B (and C).
Own one of everything you need, not three or four of the same thing.
When you have one of everything you need, it's easy to feel confident in your clothes. If you have three or four of the same thing, however--even if they're different sizes and colors--you may find yourself wondering which one is "the right" one. That's because we tend to judge ourselves harshly based on what other people think of us; when we wear something that looks identical to another piece in our closet (or even just similar), we start worrying about whether people will mistake us for someone else who owns that item as well--and then wonder why we're so insecure about our sense of self!
So don't waste money on duplicates: instead, own one pair each of jeans/trousers/skirts/dresses etc., plus any accessories needed (shoes). This way there'll be no confusion over which items belong together when getting dressed -- and if someone does ask where they saw those shoes before? Just tell them they were custom-made by an artisanal cobbler near Venice Beach during his summer vacation there last year...
Don't forget about shoes and accessories!
You can't forget about shoes and accessories!
Shoes can make a huge difference in how you feel about your outfit. Like I said before, I'm not a huge fan of heels because they make me feel like I'm going to fall over. But if you're confident in your ability to walk around in heels, then by all means wear them! Just don't let what other people think stop you from wearing something that makes YOU happy.
Accessories are another way to add personality and style without spending too much money on clothes (or none at all). A colorful scarf can turn an ordinary outfit into something special; shoes with interesting designs or detailing will give off vibes no matter what else is going on around them; even socks can be used as an accessory--they don't always have to match!
Don't forget about hats, scarves and gloves either! These items do double duty: keeping us warm while also adding some flair!
When you have the right wardrobe, it's easy to feel confident with your clothes on.
When you have the right wardrobe, it's easy to feel confident with your clothes on.
Your clothes should be comfortable and flattering. They should also be appropriate for the occasion and in good condition. You want to make sure that they fit well, which means either getting them tailored or buying them at a store where they will have an expert tailor on hand who can help with alterations if necessary. Finally, many people will have specific body types (like being short or tall) that make finding clothing difficult--but there are ways around this by shopping online or finding brands that cater specifically to their body type!
We hope that by now you're feeling more confident about your clothes. Good luck with your new wardrobe, and remember: if it doesn't work out for some reason, don't worry! You can always go back to what worked before if necessary!